Friday, December 28, 2007

Gorilla Links Love

Well in the spirit of the trend started by Jason of Gorilla Sushi and following the controversy created by Sam the Self Proclaimed Internet (myspace spammer) marketer of Can't put the link because Sam is afraid of the mighty wraith of Google and what a few links on a single blog page may do. I also removed Sam's link from the grid. So for everyone but Sam, here is a little Gorilla Link Love.

I have reposted the mighty page of entrecard widget cards. If you are an entrecard user and you have a link on the following page then you should re-post it too. This is one of the best examples of viral linking I've seen. Some may call it a link farm page, but its not really.

Its a way for everyone who participates to increase the Technorati rank of all blogs in the system.This in turn should increase the traffic to those sites which in turn will mean more effective advertising for people in the Entrecard system. The more its posted the better it is for everyone.

I had to name this action Gorilla Linking instead of Viral Linking or Link Bait or what ever you choose to call the practice, that most if not all A-list bloggers participate in, in honor of Jason's excellent idea. If you want more traffic then take a few minutes and post this huge list of images on your own blog. By the way there is nothing, but a huge 1300( well 1299 now that I took out Sam's image) of images pointing to all the blogs in the Entrecard system at the time the grid was built below.